The problem:
17 billion plastic bags are used a year in the UK, that’s 300 for every man, woman and child! It estimated that they take 1000 years to decompose, they are a danger to wildlife and a mess to the countryside.
Many countries around the world have already tackled this issue, the closest being Southern Ireland where a plastic tax was introduced making it too expensive to supply them, any funds from the tax go towards further environmental projects.
But there are good alternatives:
Alternatives to Plastic Bags:
Re-usable Shopping Bags:
Rather than paying for plastic bags at 5p per bag, you can both save money and be more environmentally friendly by buying re-usable shopping bags, such as these that are available for 75p each at Sainsbury, Apsley, for example, and many supermarkets now sell them. They are strong, attractive, and pack up small with a popper fastener when not in use.

Small foldable bags for your pocket or handbag:
Tring, a beautiful market town within Dacorum has listened to its customers and created a re-use Tring environmentally friendly, fair-trade bag that you can keep in your pocket or a handbag. Private and Chamber of Commerce funds have paid for the initial production of the bags, they are sold for a non profit at £2.50. The idea is that they can be folded into a handbag or put into a pocket and then used when required. They are available throughout the high street and the farmers market. Grass Roots have purchased one for each member of their staff and many residents are now proudly carrying them.