11th September 2013

Dear DEF members,

The West Hemel Action Group (WHAG) has been set-up with the aim of promoting  awareness to the potential proposed housing development of the Green belt land that runs from Chaulden up to Fields End (referenced as LA3), and to challenge the council in its pursuit of this develpoment.

The development is at a concept stage at the moment, but is very soon to be approved for some form of dwelling development to take place. It should be noted that at this stage, no planning application has been submitted, but bearing in mind that the majority of the proposed site is owned by building contractors, it is hard to imagine that in due course a planning application will not be submitted. Current details being discussed are approx 900 dwellings covering the entire housing spectrum plus potentially a school and doctors surgery, on top of this, there are currently three  access points being consdiered into the new development, one at the end of the Avenue in Fields End, another will be opposite the childrens adventure playground on Long Chaulden, and the third access is likely to be off Campion Road.  A planning application is likely to be submitted circa 2017, with a show home ready for 2019, and the first habitable homes ready for 2020.

The LA3 development is part of a wider new Hemel Hempstead Core Strategy, which has been developed by Dacorum Borough Council over the past few years. In the last few weeks thsi new Core Strategy has been approved in principle by the Planning Inspectorate and Dacorum Bororugh Council are meeting on the 25th September to discuss and vote on the adoption of this Core Strategy. This is a public meeting, which WHAG will attend.

Our aim is to challenge this development in any way we can to try and protect the Green Belt land and also minimise the amount of extra traffic and polution in the area, twinned with this, is the fact that we have no A&E department in Hemel Hempstead, and there are many vacant shopping outlets in the town centre. Apart from destroying the land, we believe the council should be focusing on other more important projects than introducing an estimated 4000 new residents into the town. At this stage we are informing as many local residents as possible to the potential damage this could cause the local environment. We understand that not many people seem to be aware of the situation, and we are trying to inform as many people as possible.

If you would like to get involved or register your concerns, then we have set up a number of avenues of communication, and these include as follows:-

If you wish to get involved or to be kept in the loop  regarding development then Email us at whag1000@gmail.com

Our website can be accessed via: http://www.whag.webeden.co.uk/ or on Facebook “West Hemel Action Group”


Yours Sincerely,


Lee Royal

Chair, West Hemel Action Group (WHAG)

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