New Local Plan 2020 - Published Documents

DBC Part 1 pp 1-187 - Emerging Strategy For Growth 2020-2038
DBC Part 2 pp 188-261 - ditto Delivery Strategies
DBC Part 3 - pp 262-297 - ditto Hemel Proposals and Sites including Garden Communities
DBC Part 4 - pp 298-359 - ditto Berkhamsted and Tring Proposals and Sites
DBC Draft Proposals Map 1 page
DBC Sustainability Appraisal Report Appendices including B.8 on Water and Site assessments 335 pages
DBC Sustainability Appraisal Report non Technical Summary including assessment of Options 25 pages
DBC Sustainability Appraisal Report by TRL consultants including reason for selected Option 70 pages
DBC Supporting Information including FAQs 22 Pages
DBC Summary Document 20 pages
DBC Consultation Comments Form 12 Pages
DBC Topic Paper - Housing Policy Demand and Supply 158 pages
DBC Topic Paper - Housing Policy History including rejection of alternatives 69 pages
DBC Topic Paper - Green Belt and Rural Area 76 Pages
DBC Topic Paper - Site Selection - National Planning Guidance vs Green Belt releases 66 pages
DBC Topic Paper - Site Selection Appendix A - first round - includes decent maps 52-pages
DBC Topic Paper - Site Selection Appendix B - second round - more detail for 36 sites with decent maps 91-pages
DBC Topic Paper - New Local Plan Effect on Chilterns Beechwoods - Main Report-35 Pages
DBC Topic Paper - Transport 111 Pages
DBC South West Hertfordshire Strategic-Housing Market-Assessment Executive Summary 15 pages
DBC ARUP Consultants Stage 2 Green-Belt Review and Landscape Appraisal - 2016 - 195 Pages
DBC Example of Site Assessment Study by AECOM Infrastructure-Environment UK-Limited - Includes North Hemel 56 Pages
DBC Topic Paper - Green Belt and Rural Area-Appendix A Ranking of Green Belt Sites 38 Pages
DBC Topic Paper - Climate Change and Sustainability 48 Pages
Schedule of Site Appraisals Draft October 2017
Dacorum NLP "Alert" letter from CPRE Herts